Digging into the stages of sleep

Digging into the stages of sleep

When we go to sleep for the night, there is a lot more going on than just being asleep or awake. Our nightly sleep actually consists of a repeating cycle of different stages that happen over the course of the night. The sleep cycle has two main categories: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep and Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep. Each category includes specific stages that play a crucial role in our physical and mental restoration.

Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) Sleep

NREM sleep is divided into three stages: NREM Stage 1, NREM Stage 2, and NREM Stage 3 (also known as Slow-Wave Sleep or deep sleep).

  • NREM Stage 1: This stage marks the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep. It is characterized by light sleep, where brain activity starts to slow down, and muscle activity decreases. This is the stage where you also may experience some of those random muscle jerks.
  • NREM Stage 2: As we progress into NREM Stage 2, our body temperature drops, and our heart rate and breathing become more regular. This stage is critical for consolidating memories and enhancing cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving.
  • NREM Stage 3 (Slow-Wave Sleep): Often referred to as deep sleep, NREM Stage 3 is the most restorative stage of sleep. During this period, the brain produces slow, high-amplitude waves known as delta waves. Deep sleep is essential for physical recovery, hormone regulation, and boosting the immune system.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep

REM sleep is the stage associated with dreaming and is characterized by rapid eye movements, increased brain activity, and temporary paralysis of voluntary muscles. Your brain activity is actually very similar to being awake during REM. This phase is essential for emotional processing, memory consolidation, and creative thinking.


Both REM and NREM sleep stages are crucial for maintaining your optimal health and brain function. NREM sleep helps with physical recovery and promotes a healthy immune system. During REM sleep, the brain processes emotions, connects memories, and clears out irrelevant information, contributing to overall emotional and mental well-being.

Throughout the night, we cycle through the different stages of sleep multiple times. In the first half of the night, NREM sleep dominates, especially the deep sleep stages. As the night progresses, REM sleep becomes more prominent. This cyclical pattern ensures that we get the right balance of restorative sleep and dream-filled REM sleep. This matters because when you cut your sleep short, even though you might only be losing, say 20% of your total sleep, you are losing a much more significant amount of your total REM sleep. 

Sleep is a cornerstone of our well-being, influencing nearly every aspect of our lives including our physical, emotional, and cognitive health. Understanding these stages can empower us to prioritize sleep and adopt healthy sleep habits to reap the benefits of a well-rested mind and body.

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